I love the self

Through last week’s practices and yesterday’s phone discussion, I experienced a great appreciation for the self:

Within our species, the self is universal; we all operate the same way and that gives us connection, understanding and empathy.

We can consciously set/alter the mood, the automatic self reacts to stimuli pre-consciously (audio command to raise arm) and brings us safely into consciousness where we can respond with free will (lower arm, notice arm, judge arm).

Although the layers of the self (culture, history, memories, etc.) are tightly integrated (perhaps through evolution), I think we can become aware of and modulate their influence on our conscious responses.

Do you suppose consciousness is a layer of the self?


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3 Responses to I love the self

  1. Linda says:

    Hi, Ron–
    I apologize for taking so long to respond and thanks for your comment.
    I don’t think I understand the difference between self and sense of self.
    Self is universal in the sense that terrorists have the capacity for compassion and empathy and their culture, history, environment guide their ‘self’ expression. This is done within the framework of the universal self. And, of course, depending on an individual’s point of view, you and I are terrorists.
    I really appreciate your points of discussion.

  2. michaelg says:

    Some Eastern traditions talk about the higher self, as distinct from the ordinary self. I think in our current TSK studies the term is used to describe what we mean when we call an impulse “selfish”–that narrow, conditioned, emotional, set of impulses that keep us imprisoned in a small, fearful “reality”. However, similar to my reaction when Lois talked about saying “yes” to the impulses that arise within us, Linda’s eulogy to the self draws attention to something: appreciation is often the best response to what we find when we look at ourselves. And if it’s the small self, perhaps the very spirit of appreciation will bring out its best side. –Miichael

  3. ronaldp says:


    I am not sure I follow your typology of the self as you describe it. When you say that the self is universal…what do you mean?

    I could argue that the certain factions in the Middle East, let’s say radical elements of Hezbolah have a self — and their counterparts in Isreal do as well. In fact, each has very definite images of themselves. But not much understanding or empathy between these two rival groups….

    Sure, I understand that we are universally have a sense of self–and that may be a common ground in seeing that we are all universally self-centered?


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