Last saturday night I was having diner and while enjoying the meal suddenly I was overflown with gratitude for the food which was ‘available for me on the table’: I could kind of ‘connect/see/appreciate’ how the vegetables I was eating had grown from Earth and Water. For me it was a complete new way of ‘connecting with/seeing’ the World, a glimpse of the ‘Cycles of Life’ in it, by being lifted temporarily above the ‘normal level’ of having a meal. Looking back now it seems as a very strong experience of attaining new understanding.
How/Why did this happen? Obviously I don’t know … but I can see a connection though with 2 impressions earlier on on that same day (which might somehow have culminated, later on, into the above mentioned experience): in the afternoon I had been working in the garden and could see the first ‘green’ of several vegetables coming up after all the sunshine and rain from last week; secondary I had been watching a documentary on Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth) in which at one stage there was a part devoted to the (sacred) rituals performed during/after the killing of animals for food (in for example the Native American culture). Both ‘events’ had impressed me, each in its own way.
Best – Eric.