The blank as an experience gap

David has written a very thoughtful and precise description of how aware spaciousness transitions into a blank, and then back out into aware spaciousness and from there to sensations and then to thoughts. There are some aspects of the Buddhist teachings that would be of great interest to you on this point, David, if you don’t know them: I could give you a citation. But in general, notice how much this is like falling asleep.

Do thoughts really vanish when you go to the level of sensations? Or are they still operating at a deeper level? (By deeper, I don’t mean more profound; rather, a level more connected with body sensations, etc.)

Your suggestion that time and space emerge “after the blank” seems useful. But then, what can we say about the blank at all. If nothing, what makes us think it exists? Is the memory a previous blank really proof of a blank?


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2 Responses to The blank as an experience gap

  1. davidf says:

    Thanks for the reference, I ordered the book.

    In your post you said: “But then, what can we say about the blank at all. If nothing, what makes us think it exists? Is the memory of a previous blank really proof of a blank?”

    I think I understand what you are saying, I think you are pointing to this; it isn’t really the blank that we experience because there’s really no subject or glow of illuminated awareness to experience it.

    What I experienced was the edge of awareness, the difference between an uninterrupted glow and the initial cognition. That differentiation is noticed even at that level, and has a distinct feel from an uninterrupted continuum of unoccupied presence.

    Best wishes

  2. davidf says:

    Hi Jack,

    With regard to how aware spaciousness transitions into a blank, and then back out into aware spaciousness, you offered to provide a citation of Buddhist thought on this. I would be very grateful.

    Best wishes,

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