A rough paraphrase of part of Peter’s post: He is led by his inquiry into moments and moments between moments to wonder what a moment is. And when he experiences a fullness of experience between moments, why does it eventually disappear; what has happened to it? Doing the practice while listening to Bach in church, he is struck by the way individual tones interplay with one another in polyphonous music, one laid over another, and compares this to his own experience: one modality of experience layered with other, different modalities.
I think this last comparison is good. It seems to me in doing LOK Ex. 14 that this is how it is: moments ‘between’ moments are also moments ‘within’ moments, and each moment is within another moment (which may in turn be within the first moment). This sounds complicated, but the feeling is simple, and satisfying. This multiple layering is discussed in DTS; I won’t look it up right now, but typing “multi” into the CD search engine should take you there (not limiting the search to whole words).
Peter says, “Actually, I only live in the past.” Do others agree?