Cat Knowing (Gaynor’s post on DTS 4)

Settled in in Bodh Gaya, where I have regular daily access to the internet at the moment; we’ll see how long it lasts. 

I appreciated what Gaynor wrote about her cat. So often people have the greatest appreciation for the spontaneity that animals and young children exhibit, without acknowledging that to be an animal is to be almost totally conditioned. Gaynor’s description of how the mind relies on its patterns and is comfortable as long as the patterns hold is exactly right. The not-knowing that TSK points us toward is meant to show us another way.

 I have recently had a chance to look at this in regards to having a cold (standard Indian issue). When the body is in a certain state, the mind falls into the appropriate response with a strength I find almost irresistible. The unspoken assumption “You have to be feeling good to ‘do’ TSK” comes into play. The ‘I’ is in the grip of stronger forces. And so it goes.


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