Using Time to Open Knowing

Porch shimmering

The wind was waving the leaves and patches of bright sky speckled through. I breathed deeply and with the exhale released what I was holding, and unfocused my eyes. In that un-focusing shades of green and bright sky became diffused, the breeze stimulated shimmering light and color. Exhale again, and sensations of sound and feeling expanded inward awareness. Thought-strings about what I was doing, and also feeling the widening spatial realization, allowed the thoughts to pass like strings of fireflies, and after the strings passed…more available space, the feeling of well-being suffused awareness, then airy thoughts about recognizing the feeling arose and passed un-grasped. The shimmering green and flickering sky seemed almost like a dream as it continuously shifted, as background sounds, and body-feeling filled the expansion of my beyond-body awareness.

Moments later, as I narrowed my focus a little, the objective leaves became more defined, borders were more distinguishable, ‘things‘ in my mind continued to arise, but they were accompanied by a vision of having just come from a more open and deeper perspective, and a more complete feeling of well-being…than I was aware of before I began this exercise. On this side of that deeper experience I saw my own depth being more open than my normal gathering tendency to continuously fix to a specific point in time. That ‘seeing‘ showed a different kind of knowing than I am normally accustomed.

About David Filippone

David Filippone has been a student of Tarthang Tulku’s Time, Space, Knowledge (TSK) vision for over twenty-five years. For the past fourteen years, he has studied TSK and Full Presence Mindfulness with Jack Petranker, director of the Center for Creative Inquiry (CCI). He also participated in programs offered by Carolyn Pasternak of the Odiyan Center. David curated the CCI Facebook page for five years, which is often TSK-focused, and he currently serves on the CCI Board of Directors. The CCI Facebook page can be found at the following link...
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4 Responses to Using Time to Open Knowing

  1. Found this quote from the readings that sums up the experience quite nicely:

    “The practice in Exercise 13 loosens …tightness, making the richness of experience more fully available. As Rinpoche says about this shift from tightness to looseness, ‘Time as it manifests in the ‘space between moments’ could be said in a quite precise sense to have become ‘pointless’. Experientially, this means that each moment is alive with a flowing energy. The familiar rhythm of time continues to unfold, but we are now ‘in’ time and can know and act inwardly. Future possibilities persist, but do not insist that they exist.'” DTS p.301

    The looseness or open awareness I was describing in my post (the dream-like allowing of everything) sounds to me very much like Rinpoche’s description of “FINITY” on DTS p.147:

    “…In the revealing rhythm of finity, appearance itself is differently disclosed. In this most interesting world, things are and are not. Opposites unite, for it is only the rational that makes divisions.

    The patterns of stories and identities offer one way for time’s transitions to manifest. But in the rhythms of the dance, the celebration of finity replaces the solidity of the old structures…

    Conducted in the rhythm of the dance, stories no longer shape our understanding of time. When we conduct our fundamental stories not as reality, but as stories about reality, the freezing and fragmenting claims of substance are transformed. We find ourselves active participants in a different conducting.

    When the story is its telling, appearance is its appearing. The shift is fundamental: We do not have to identify with the position of being the conductor. Instead of conducting like a maestro in the concert hall, we can conduct as a wire conducts electricity. We can conduct without identity, not shaping but allowing. Our conducting can accord with the spontaneous presence of a transforming knowledge, dancing the finity of time’s presentations.”

  2. Thanks TSK brothers! :-)

  3. michaelg says:

    Thanks for your “Notes from inside the Cone”. You remind me that it’s possible to step into a more peaceful realm of sensation and awareness and return to share the experience. If you were reviewing a movie appearing at a local theater, I’d already be in line for the next show. Michael

  4. Hayward says:

    Beautifully sequenced.
    I followed from the point to the field back to the point.
    Thanks Bro

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