Assignment: Problems as pointer to higher spaces

First I had the problem, that I didn`t have a Problem. That happened more often already, that if I directly watch out for something it disappears. Fortunately , little later I got a problem.

First I felt somewhat guilty to just let this be a pointer to a higher space. There was a strong mental and emotional pull or gravity to deal with the problem on the usual level – think about it and find a solution.

” Let`s do TSK all the time, but hey, when there`s a problem, I have to face it (think about it)”. A little later it seemed, when I acknowledge the problem and a higher space dimension that the problem looses a  little of it`s subjective taste: it became more “a” problem instead of “my” problem.

I saw, that the very fact that I recognize something as a problem points to a higher space dimension or knowledge. My awareness is somehow connected to it. Otherwise the “problem”, which is usually some kind of question or questions, could not appear as problem or question.

Maybe that`s why questions always point to a higher knowladgeability. Without that questions could simply not appear as questions.


Actually, I had another Problem: to deal with so many different exercises. Ok, let´s keep on practicing ….

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1 Response to Assignment: Problems as pointer to higher spaces

  1. Marieke Veluwen says:

    Hi Klaus,
    Thank you for posting this. It relates to my joy and at the same time to my confusion in practicing the TSK in daily settings (‘let’s do tsk all the time..except in this case!’… this is so familiar to me, hahaha :)
    And would it be possible that not only questions or problems but in fact every distinction we’re able to make, in our thoughts or perceptions or in anything, points to a higher space dimension?
    Best regards,
    PS: don’t forget practicing or else let ‘forgetting’ be your practice ;)

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