First: The description of your process, David, of pointing by painting is helpful for me.
With Ex. TSK 26 I again (like in earlier times) have come to a dead end. ‘I am mind; these are thoughts; that is a body.’ Is this a step backwards? Mind – Subject; body – object.
Why this? What is happening? Maybe the (my) german translation of the text and my certain ideas of the words (pointing, read out – zeigen auf, Anzeige) and I am not very flexible with “my” ideas of the words.
Then I red the context of the exercise, TSK, Chapter Nine:’A Self-Challenging Vision, Opening to Great Time.’ It seems, that my ‘self’ knows more about TSK than I believe in. When I read this chapter I don’t understand much but I feel there is talked around a fundamental change.
And I say to myself: be patient, begin again..
And I say to you goodbye for this year and I’m looking forward to ‘work’ with you in January 2008.
Unbelievable!! I put this Post in ‘general comments’. Can you put it, Jack, in the right category?