A second overview: it’s about time

I have heard directly and indirectly from a few people that they find TSK intimidating, and don’t know how to go into the questions. The posts by others taking part in the program suggest that these people understand what is being explored and investigating at a sophisticated level, which leaves others out — or so they think.

Let me address that briefly. First, there are no experts in TSK. The basic aim is to find ways to question experience, and let that questioning open up ordinary ways of seeing and reacting; for instance, emotionality, pressure, anxiety, and so forth. This process of opening can expand and expand, but even a little sense of new possibilities can make a big difference.

Now, if we apply that time, what is going on? We usually think of time as one moment after the next. But that is a pretty narrow view. A good approach might be to work with space. Let yourself experience one moment (and it will always be this moment, right now, even as you are reading this), and ask what is going on. Just identify the different elements: your body, what you perceive through the senses, thoughts, judgments, emotional reactions, maybe other elements. As you become aware of those element, what is going on with time? Does it feel different? Let any difference (richness, perhaps, or fullness) expand more.

Another step would be to take that openness into the temporal dimension. As you experience the fullness of this moment, look for connections with the past and the future. What are you reminded of (that’s the past)? What are you remembering? What are you anxious about (the future). You can experience these past and future flavors of experience without letting go of the present. Now you’re in the middle of time, like swimming in a stream. You can relax, and see what you find. What’s new? What’s interesting?

So, think of that as a basic exercise, if you like. For a nice series of reflections on time, see pp. 69-76 of Sacred Dimensions.


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