I was feeling gratitude today, for the community doing this inquiry; for our teachers, and for true nature.
I was doing an inquiry into some painful, angry feelings. Staying in open (and even playful) curiosity, I allowed the feelings to offer themselves – feelings as space, appreciated by space. As a result, I could see the contrast clearly between the kind of time that was needed for the ‘story’ or narrative that accompanied the feelings and the kind of time which is more a flow of potentialities.
What was clear was that such open attention showed time in another way: as the flow of presence and space providing opportunities for opening further and deeper. The ordinary ‘storied time’ clearly had a much narrower – more determined – range of possibilities. Serial time seemed to lock me into a very confined, even trapped, way of being.
With the different kind of time, my feelings had space to ‘dissolve’ and space revealed new layers of the intricacy of the condition (different feelings which again unfolded and revealed more in their turn). I felt a lot of gratitude for such freedom.