Temporal Rhythm, Week 3

Experiencing a deeper rhythm of time is like experiencing space as fields. Time-fields present as ‘rhythms’, perhaps being experienced as waves of space-fields, whole packets of experience with a particular potential or flavor or feel. In this deeper level of time, we are experiencing a vital quality to each rhythm of time that reveals time to be presenting as quality rather than quantity. These packets of time-quality can connect through a past – present – future sequence and can reveal connections not previously apparent. Like when we feel a strong current of connection between a present experience and a past experience, or a vision of potential that ties many elements of our psyche together in some relatively transcendent way. To me, this is revealing the deeper rhythms of time that show great cohesion throughout our ordinary reality. Time’s rhythms lay out our ordinary life in fully connected ways, if we can only open to the ‘presence’ of that, beyond special windows.

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1 Response to Temporal Rhythm, Week 3

  1. Eliana Kalaf says:


    I totally agree that experiencing deeper time is like feeling the space-field waves, connected and fully present. This no-separation weakens the “self” making linear time disappear.

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