The Power of Time’s Rhythm

Time’s rhythm can build and tear down walls.

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3 Responses to The Power of Time’s Rhythm

  1. Eliana Kalaf says:

    Hi Klaus,

    Thanks for sharing the context of your original post.

  2. Eliana Kalaf says:

    Hi Klaus,

    In my understanding, time´s rhythm is always available and open. It is the “self” that build walls blocking our contact with time.

    • Klaus says:

      Hi Eliana,

      when I wrote that sentence Germany was celebrating the fall of the wall in Berlin.
      It felt like there was more going on than just one or more selfs in action. So many things had to come together, that it seemed to me that things sometimes can only happen when time’s rythm has created a certain momentum, or power that is bigger than the self.

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