Seeing/Feeling ‘light’ within all as I go about my daily business seems easy on perfect sunny autumn days, when my current life appears comfortable and non-threatening, and action is easy. Would it have been so easy during my much more stressed past life? Or living in the midst of a polluted, smoggy city? Or in the face of strong personal pain? Or in confusion? Reflecting on this I am not sure, but I still feel that it would be possible to find ‘light’ even here, a ‘knowing’ quality lying deep within every manifestation. Does such ‘knowing light’ manifest within our deepest feelings?
With that ‘light of knowing’, as I feel it within, seems to come appreciation and an understanding (that is, understanding as a deep empathy, not as an intellectual type of comprehension). And with this deep understanding, the light and clarity is perpetuated in all my perceptions – sensations, thoughts, feelings. It is as though I can ‘see’ with understanding, ‘remember’ with understanding, ‘feel’ with understanding. There wells up within me an enormous love for, and sympathy for, others with their own personal struggles/lack of clarity. All this comes out of light and clarity when I am able to tap into it.