Between TSK classes, I’m reading ‘Dimensions of Mind’ by Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche. While this is not a TSK book specifically, it is entirely consistent with the essence of inquiry used in the time, space, knowledge vision, in my view. Rinpoche says:
This book took form over several months in a number of sessions with Jack Petranker. Our talks took the form of dialogue and wide-ranging discussion. Jack took notes on these talks and later compiled and edited them into the materials that you find here. He also added in material from earlier discussions, dating back more than a year…
The themes discussed in ‘Dimensions of Mind’ are important for anyone interested in deeper understanding. They link up to similar themes in other books I have published: the meaning of mind, the mind of self, our mission on this planet, the nature of reality, and more. In our discussions, I tried to communicate to Jack observations about the subjective orientation of mind, as well as the mind of knowingness, knowledge, and self-understanding. His responsibility was to try to capture my thoughts and express them in a way that fits with the structures of the English language and Western ways of thinking…
I have been on this planet now for over eighty years, and during that time I have done my best to study, read, know, and interact. Here I share some of my impressions. If you find them meaningful, I will rejoice.
Please look upon this book as your aid and guide into activating a self-search engine into the boundless dimensions of mind.
Thanks for sharing with fellow TSK students this wonderful new book by Rinpoche.
I love “Dimensions of Mind”. It feels like the whole range of all that Rinpoche has given to the West over the past 40 years–skillful means, TSK, the Dharma, etc– has allowed for this conversational and accessible exploration of a vast field of knowing, which draws with comfort and assurance upon them all.
I find it significant that “Dimensions” is the third in a series of books by Rinpoche, “Understanding Self and Mind”, which I don’t think was even a series, until “Revelations of Mind” joined “Knowledge of Freedom: Time to Change” (Dharma Publishing, 1984), in 2013. But the three books really do feel like a continuing exploration that speaks directly to the western mind, in familiar, colloquial language, about the importance of our human lives.