Morning Focus…As the author of ‘Focusing’, Eugine Gendlin has said, “A body isn’t only an is; it is an is and implies further.” Lilies caught by the light…catch the light within me, and I am lit up… in touch, knit together… and we ‘intimate’ further…
My friend Ken ‘implies further’…
By Ken McKeonGreen stemmed flowers lift
From a truly old
Cut glass water pitcher,The stems cut within the week,
The pitcher in Ireland
Over a century ago,Its ringing melodic formal design,
Caught by the just light,
Its lilt and life held, just so,And the stems rise too, rise quietly,
Though they strike one as stillness so rarely does,
As an ever deepening source
Of lovely living sound,But the many deeply burnished pinkish blooms,
Are that sound itself, they display such gracefulness,
Such a ribbony playful rush of light,
That they ensnare, they please, the eye,Much as a Mozart quintet does so please the ear.