Nothing as Space and Boiling Down the Sauce

As I think of space, I first relate to space in music and nature.  In music, I learned rests, pauses and silences were not nothing; they supported the notes, the composition, the playing and listening…  I think of art and how we are aware of the negative space; it supports the placements of colors, lines, variety of media and the experience of creating and viewing…  These awarenesses of negative space spill into other areas of my life and often lead to some interesting perspectives and experiences. 


When I think of condensing, I think of two phrases I enjoy, “Boiling down the sauce” and “Let’s condense and expand”.   One example is resolving a messy financial situation for a business or individual.  I like to collect the data, sort what is helpful from what is extraneous (noise, static, clutter), look at what is of essence (condense) and build from there (expand).  Another example is music, again.  In order to express a good vibrato, one clears space from such extraneous matter as anxiety of performing and attention to perfection, then condenses into being one with the instrument and music, as Rumi describes being one with the mountain.  The musician has condensed the essence into a relaxed vibrato, and expanded purer music into the air.  When I did not “condense” the space, my vibrato sounded forced, more tech than fluid.


There are more dimensions to the above examples I find playful and enjoyable.  For this week’s exercises, I am trying to relate to what we are discussing about space, nothing and condensing to something I understand (playing, creating) to learn if I am on the right track.


Thank you,



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5 Responses to Nothing as Space and Boiling Down the Sauce

  1. Erin says:

    Ah ha, thank you! I wasn’t cutting and pasting from Word, just writing directly in the post, so I was wondering about this.

    Now, I’ve just hit “submit” and my comment is not there. Trying again :)

  2. David says:

    It’s just formatting. I get rid of it by placing the curser right at the ‘start’ of the paragraph “after” the space, then keep hitting “backspace” until I reach the period at the end of the previous paragraph. Then hit “enter” and you should have the correct spacing. You are essentially eliminating all the invisible code between the paragraphs that was gumming it up. :-)

  3. David says:

    It’s just formatting. I get rid of it by placing the curser right at the ‘start’ of the paragraph “after” the space, then keep hitting “backspace” until I reach the period at the end of the previous paragraph. Then hit “enter” and you should have the correct spacing. You are essentially eliminating all the invisible code between the paragraphs that was gumming it up. :-)


  4. Erin says:

    (Speaking of space :) I am not sure why I am getting two lines between paragraphs? In the Post field there is only one, but when I click on Publish, two spaces appear.)

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