Erin, I like your examples from music and art. They help make the point. But it is still important to try to instantiate the point. For instance, what would it be like to interact with someone in a ‘relaxed vibrato’ way? (Is that what it means to be a friend?)
Your example of the flute is lovely. To take it further, you might ask: How does this communication change my sense of how ‘I’ am being in space? Every object has its subject.
Louise, your little paean to the field communique is a valuable reminder of what it means to let go of needing to control. But it is not everything that we want to hand over to automatic responses. Your second example seems to head in this direction, but I’m not sure I understood it correctly.
David, what a nice phrase: “question and answer calamity”!
Louise, When we gain some freedom from the field communique, then we are free to appreciate its operation also. Not muddy!
Erin, I like the reference to ‘great(er)’ Space. It is exactly in become aware of the spaciousness of space that we encounter playful freedom.
Hello Jack – my little paean was how I see the field communique as not being such a baddie. I’ve found this week gives it a kinder perspective, where we can use it in a progressive way to view our attitude and guide us into a space without phantoms / unsubstantial substance. (I wanted to say that it can help us in its natural format (flight or fight), as much as it can within the TSK wider space perspective (am I muddying the waters more…………?).
Afterthough – I suppose rather than overlapping circles of Space(s) what I think I am trying to say is that enacting the flute opens up experience with Great(er) Space?
Hi Jack, thank you for the feedback :)
I find interacting with someone in a “relaxed vibrato” way means I am present and Listening to them, instead of thinking of what do I need to do later, how I’m hungry or thirsty, did I remember to schedule this or that, etc. “Relaxed vibrato” is Being Present with another in that clear and unfettered space. It has been a successful and enjoyable practice in my life.
“Relaxed vibrato” is like “living in haiku” :)
Regarding the flute, It is on one level a refined piece of fallen cedar, but yet on another level, It becomes an Embodiment of wind song and the breath of life – sort of like the Wind-I-Flute thus Blows-Breathes-Sings a Breeze-Breath-Song.
I enjoy such playful thoughts and experiences :)