…in our today´s conference call towards the end a question came up, repeating in my mind, but this sound had already occured to indicate, we are running out of time. So I just post it…
I was wondering, if not the story of the self would be at the center, but instead space or time or knowledge,
would we already now have some kind of knowing, how that state feels like, could feel like?
Did we ever have had a glimpse of something like that already or would it be something totally new, unknown? Is a glimpse of this way of being already stored somewhere in our being? Can we image, which is a way of thinking, isn`t it, from our momentary way of being, which means “…mind becomes zero and withdraws, the zeroless gives way and becomes unthinkable…”? Or with which part of our being can we get a taste, is it hidden our kind of longing?