It is time to start this blog site moving again, after a long absence.
I have used the term “stepping out” in the title of this post, because it came up in a discussion with a friend. We need to be willing to put ourselves forward, to inhabit our lives fully, and this means making ourselves visible to others. Hence this post.
Years ago I heard a piece on the radio (This Amercian Life) in which the presenter suggested people could be divided into two groups by asking them this question: “If you could only have one magical power, and you had to choose between flying and being invisible, which would you choose?”
For me, being invisible is a clear winner. But it’s time to challenge that.
Dear Jack.
Thank you for stepping out again. I had to make some efforts to do so too. So I contacted Dagmar to help her publishing the German TSK-book – it will take some time to collect the money for it – as a first step.
It is difficult for me to go on with the TSK-practise – without guidance and feedback. So I go on reading “Path of Heroes” – looking for guidance and inspiration there.
In the end of July I will listen to the teachings presented by the Dalai Lama and to the discussions during the conference at Frankfurt.
I have been so bewidrleed in the past but now it all makes sense!