During the June 30th class Jack asked us to contemplate ” what does it mean for a thing to appear in the dance of time”. Since meaning is always ascribed, three possible meanings occurred during the brief practice. 1. It means: I see a thing. 2, It means: A conventional way of knowing is in play. 3. It means: The presence of Time Space and Knowledge. The appearance of “a thing” can reveal a personal view, a cultural acceptance, or the presence of creative dimensions.
Evening Karin and Michael:
For me what awakens another way of knowing is the discomfort that frequently accompanies a conventional narrative about myself and circumstance. The discomfort itself becomes the canary in the mine signaling that a way of knowing is in-force. At that moment a focus on the infusing breath and the time and space it carries permeates the body and mind releasing these forms to a more active field.
Hi Karen,
I appreciate (to use that word again) your response. I find myself wanting to spin out gardening metaphors about the roles of appreciation, time, space, knowledge, the one who plants the seeds, the ground, sun, air, and rain. I didn’t feel much appreciation during several decades of my life, and you’re right, feeling appreciative is a much better place to be than the cravings of a hungry ghost or the lamentable feeling that we don’t belong. So yes, let’s appreciate appreciation, and may it rain down upon us and all that we care about. –Michael
Hi Michael. In our western world we have learned that we must be eager to do s.th. to be successful. May be that is not helpful. I am not used to other ways or possibilities – but perhaps we have to open up. Myself I feel helpless very often. For me the most helpful path seems to be appreciation – the way you described it in your last post. Could this be the force you are looking for? Karin
Good morning, Hayward. I see your post and am ascribing meaning to it. Your three part analysis into seeing, pulling out a familiar way of knowing, and the presence of Time, Space and Knowledge, feels right. I’m also looking for a force to be more or less active in that first moment of seeing. In one sence it must all be time and space and knowledge–arousing the one who sees, offering up something for that one to see, providing the three times and all the various associations, memories, hopes and dreams thattailor the experience into something on a spectrum between hum drum and miraculous. But what is it that can awaken us, make us feel alive, provide a foothold in this living stream and the desire to make it meaningful? Can a human mind be more than a dog grabbing a bone, recognising it, wanting it, devouring it? Just saying. Michael