I really appreciated the experiential vividness of the last three posts (Arthur, David, Marcia). My own experience of the exercise in the last two paragraphs of DTS 99 is helping me to understand the recent readings. In particular, the way that conditioned structures confine us to a past that is no longer alive and the way that the wanting of the self is a needy projection that also carries us away from a living present. I had the image of riding a wave and how looking ahead is the way to stay on it. I also wondered about a few things while letting the exercise create a greater mindfulness in me. While looking at the leading edge of the moment, where the future seems to unfold, would it be possible to look through that edge like a window into the future. Or does that immediately cause the wanting of the self to take over. Is looking at the edge of the moment mainly a device for intensifying mindfulness in that moment, or can it be a way to enlarge awareness into a fuller kind of time which includes the future. Or is that a meaningless question and the future really an illusion born of the projections of the self?