Logos seems to me to be the more emcompassing term, a structure of knowing in a certain way, the “way things are”.
This basic structure allows only for lower knowledge as it is actice in a well known dualistic way: subject knowing object.
The consequence of the logos being active are infinite read-outs. But what looks like great variety is sameness in terms of the logos. All read-outs circle around the same dualistic themes: subject-object, me and you, praise and blame, gain and loss, good and bad, open and closed….
A tought seen as thought is neither it`s own logos nor it`s own read-out. Known as tought it`s just an appearance in space, as space, presented by time.
The “problematic” part of thoughts comes with their different degrees of gravitational pull or glue that magnetices awarenes into their content. Awarenes pulled into the content means lower knowledge with all it`s consequences active. In so far one could say, that each thought comes potentially with it`s own read-out. The read-out and it´s connection to the logos might even be the gravitational pull we feel “to deal ” with the thought. So there are many structures (frozen ways) active: the logos as the over-all structure of knowing, it`s resultant read-outs and our “habits” to get pulled into the content of the thought.
The interesting question here seems to me: How is it, that there seem to be different degrees of being pulled into the content of thoughts? Some thoughts are easy to let go while others “need to be thought”. In TSK terms one could ask: How is it that there seem to be different degrees of being drawn away from open space and alive time and how can we efficiently weaken those tendencies?