Does a connection exist between mindfulness and TSK’s exploration of the underlying dynamic of time?
Mindfulness ‘instills’ an awareness of the present. If our awareness is just of the objects, thoughts and phenomena that are of interest to the self, then we may have difficulty contacting time’s inner dynamic.
Intention, appreciation and inquiry expand and deepen when the mind becomes still and attentive.
Intention, which concerns itself with the future, deepens into appreciation and a broader kind of awareness when we embrace who we have been, appreciate the living opportunities arising right now, and view the future as intention’s natural resting place.
Appreciation naturally belongs within a kind of time that is not rushing along (unstable, fitful, and proscribed), but is balanced on the three legs of who we have been, who we are now, and who we aspire to be.
Similarly inquiry is freed from obsession with the content of our fitful, driven thoughts when our interest engages a broader dynamic of time than the self’s concerns of the moment.
I would like to give another approach about intention.
In my understanding intention is not necessarily concerned with the future. Intention is the mental activity that urges the mind forward. It directs the mind toward what is good, bad or whatever.
It is about the frame of mind that embraces the living opportunities arising right now.