There are ways to touch the lightness of being. Some are introduced here briefly. One happens when knowledge is conducted inwardly.
As the opening into what is flawless, such imperfections as pain, ignorance, obstacles, are precious source of knowledge. We can find and honor within them the dynamic through which knowledge improves and expands.
It expands into being like the colors of a rainbow, each blending with the others. Though more colors emerge and more beauty manifests, what improves through such improvisation is not complex, nor does it support conflict DTS 153
In an inward and improvised conducting, we may touch the lightness of being: a loosening in the body, in the head, in the mind – a lightness let loose everywhere. DTS 154
Another way to touch the lightness of being is through zero as gateway to zero (KTS 94).
The zero is there, in each act of observation. At zero point, Being takes occupancy, in a merging in intimacy of Space and Time. This intimacy is said to occur “keenly†thought the interaction of the content of what is observed, the being of the observer, and the act of observation, unlocking their inherent dynamic.
Free of comments, conventional mind can fall silent allowing times rhythms to move in slow waves of intimacy, too subtle for the patterns of the temporal order to acknowledge. In the intimacy of the instant, Space and Time open to Being.
And finally, we can touch the lightness of being though cultivating playfulness of thoughts.
To cultivate playfulness of mind is to move from the self-imposed gravity toward light, from the grave to the light-hearted. There is nothing mysterious in this movement; on the conventional level, it comes about simply through relaxing the rigid structures we normally accept as essential. Since this relaxation is itself nourishing, there are immediate practical benefits. DTS 256
Once we can be playful with our thoughts, we can discover within them a fundamental clarity that expresses a knowledge not bound to content. The fullness of this knowledge can sustain and guide us. It becomes natural for thoughts to loosen their grip on reality, for we realize that we do not have to rely on thoughts to structure our responses to experience. In the openness of this emerging freedom, knowledge can conduct itself into being. DTS 257
Instead of chasing after the given or stepping into the established, instead of joining in or breaking away, ignoring or accepting, we can deepen awareness of who and how we are. Awareness emerges as our inner being—the truth of our presence in time and space. DTS xxxi
I loved this Eliana. Your opening paragraph reminded me of this experience…
From my journal…