I like working with this exercise, so many different ways to expand, but perhaps because I am often visually stimulated I was particularly struck by Bruce’s photo of contiguous, overlapping, and successively appearing circles or bubbles, as if arising out of space, so transparent they even seem to consist of space. So many possibilities could be represented there; areas of concern, contexts, derivation and direction, multiple perspectives, arising thoughts and referrals, even unfolding nuclear events prior to ‘complexification’ of read-outs.  Â
Ephemeral rings evoke possibilities of worlds within worlds, things within things, consisting of substance, but at the same time as insubstantial as wisps of half remembered times, a moment now referring to then, perhaps a forward looking projection to an unrealized and open future, an allowing potential. Watery worlds or space and form, unfolding as time… just considering the possibilities seems to ‘expand’ to silence, and an open wondering.
“…just considering the possibilities seems to ‘expand’ to silence, and an open wondering.”
:-) Just reading your description had the same effect on me!