I had a lovely experience after the phone session the other night (Sydney time). I went back to bed, with the hope of falling asleep. However, the conversation had naturally stimulated me, and I didn’t fall asleep immediately. So instead I decided to attune to the field communiqué, to continue (in silence) the conversation with you wonderful folk, there in the ‘given-as-it-unfolds.’
As a result, I believe,  of the things we had raised in the phone session, as I was enjoying opening to the fullness of the field, the thing that came into sharp relief was the issue of ‘the reality’ of the perceptible. I could accept anything perceived as ‘something’ communicated, but I couldn’t ascribe anything but a provisional reality to anything so communicated.
I decided , then, that I didn’t need to find anything real; that such a wish seemed to be superfluous to the communiqué. I returned to simply attuning to the unfolding presence of unarticulated meaningfulness, and then suddenly I slipped into a peace that communicated a realness un-associated with thing-perceptions. A big thank you to all for being.
Christopher, your comment about the presence of ‘unarticulated meaningfulness’ put a warm little light on in my mind. It made me realize that we, or at least I, tend to ascribe meaning only to those things that can be articulated. To articulate something means searching for references and words that would describe the experience, and therefore allow us to conclude that it has meaning. To see that something can have ‘meaning’ without being articulated is liberating. Tracy