I have some difficulties to read and to write a post. When I´m reading, I ask, what´s the essence. I often don´t understand posts, because they are very general and/or abstract. I want to “handle” them, to comprehend them (in German:”begreifen”: take samething with the fingers). Often it helps ( me) when there is a hint to a paragraph in one of the TSK-books.
And how can I find and analyse “the content and the context, the weaver and the woven, the fabric and the pattern of the story”(Hayward, February 27)?
For example: My motivation often ist: “Look at me, I´m alone with TSK, let me touch you, these are my difficulties” or to show: “with this experience I´m very proud” and so on…
And for me it takes much time.
Peter, sometimes what I write is the result of a lot of things coming together as a result of reading TSK or allied material, rather than a specific response to a specific reading. However, I can say that my post entitled ‘Sweet Pain’ came out of practising DTS Ex: 11 – Telling Stories.